Thursday, December 31, 2015

More of the same

So I reached the end of January and more of the same will do nicely thank you very much. Started the month with the view of shedding some weight before considering starting a training cycle for ay kind of a race. Dug out my copy of Matt Fitzgerald's Racing Weight and had a quick reread. One thing that stands out for me in this book is that you cannot train on a restricted diet, so the loss comes through a change in the type of foods one puts in the mouth. While I have not gone totally mad I have made some in roads with a few small changes with regard to my food intake. We where also treated at the time to Dr Eva ranting about one,two, three spoons of sugar. Didn't like the program but the Aussie guy brought home the reality that I should and do know, You cannot out run a bad diet. Result has been a gradual loss of 3 lbs. over the month with runs getting easier as the month progressed with a Marathon in Lilliput been the total polar opposite to Portumna’s slog fest.

Trails, Friends and Sausages

Marathon Number 40 23rd Of January Lilliput Adventure Centre. I wasn't expecting much as most of my long runs in the new year had been a continuation of Portumna. Start out at 9 Min pace and just gradually get slower and slower, like the pace my mood would also do same, go south. This I put down to my recent change in diet, trying not to restricted calories but changing where they came from most likely was the root cause. The results where showing on the scales/waist liliput_1_16but runs where tough and miserable. On this today however it was the reverse, started out slowly enough and enjoyed the company with Leslie, Jimmy, Charlotte and later Patrick. Got a shout from Mr Race Director himself Vincent that we where going too slow on the first big lap Patrick stopped for a chart with his better half and I found myself alone and the pace from here gradually picked up on each lap. Ended up clocking a relatively comfortable 3:51 just before the rain came. Really felt strong and good for the whole race and don't you just love days when running is easy and you can pick it up at will. The reward for my exertions was a sausage butty and soup. Okay white bread but you have to breakout every now and then.

This olde house

This olde house enters its 50th year next August and some items are beginning to show signs of wear. Got me my brand new OnePlusTwo phone. A long awaited Birthday treat to myself. It can do everything a smartphone can do. Only issue is it has highlighted my eyesight is not what it used to be. So off to the Specsavers for a pair of yokes that will hopefully allow me to read the screen properly.

One thing after another

Doc finally cleared my proctitis, but as a result my joint bursa are getting inflamed. At the moment both elbows and particular my right knee which of course is causing a pull on my IT. The solution is good old Diefene. This however aggravates the proctitis so at the moment I am awaiting MRI’s and a colonoscopy and on a very reduce mileage. Basically run when I am able and all easy nothing hard. The week before Christmas I stupidly (several units of Alcohol involved) went over badly on My ankle so another missed week of running. Leading up to Christmas my biggest week was 27 miles and two single figure weeks. This has also given rise to a probably rise in my weight. I haven't stood on the scales since before Frankfurt when I was pretty much close to 11st 4lbs my race weight. I have no intention of doing so until the New Year, I have no doubt that the result may not be nice but for now I will enjoy the Festive period and worry about such things in 2016.

Slowest one to Date

Courtesy of Mary Mockett
When all of the above was taken into consideration being at the start in Portumna for the final MCI race of the year was an achievement in itself. I knew I was not in good shape and was nursing the ankle, knee and extra little belly that had appeared out of nowhere. Arrived to be told there was a change in the course which was now going to be longer to ensure correct distance as part of it would be on trails. More like XC conditions so of we set 16 laps of 1.6 Miles, Ray mentioned Km’s but i cant compute those things. Started of with Cezary and Dari at around a 9 minute clip. Even after 2 loops I was starting to feel the pace so I was glad when my bowel rumbled and I said my goodbyes as I headed for the toilets. In contrast to last year where I was the bear in the woods several times, this year I made the White Throne and only had to stop once. Continued on after this comfortably between 9 and 9:30 pace. Meet and ran with loads which always make the miles easier. Even got a hug from Aaron of team Kerr, had to hug all of the team before been released to continue on my way. Eventually got over the line in 4:21:15, nothing spectacular but I loved every minute of it. With over 100 runners on the day all credit must go to Ray, Vincent and Brian with his crew of helpers in the mobile kitchen. Its a pleasure to get a warm drink and a sandwich into you after a marathon.

2015 a year in numbers

So to wrap up the year 2,486.4 miles (4001.4K) ran, 13 Marathons completed, 5 PB’s ran  19:45 (5K) 25:47 (4 Mile) 41:11 (10K) & 3:18:12 (Marathon). I am extremely happy with this even if the last 4 months have been a write off. Next year I hope to complete my 50th Marathon before my 50th Birthday on 4th August

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A different perspective

Even before Frankfurt fizzled out to be a non race I was contemplating not running for 6-8 weeks. As usual when I take a different approach to my running I run it by RC. While he is not always right he is seldom wrong so I give his opinion on running matters a lot of respect. He suggested that maybe 6-8 weeks of easy running with no pressure, just get out an enjoy it would be better then none at all. This has proved the case since my return from Germany, no watch, no planned route just go out and run. I must say I am enjoying the freedom of not having to follow a structured plan for a while.


Yes its loppers running loops of Sixmilebridge again. I had decided a long time ago that I would not be running this year. Somehow at a meeting I manage to land the important job of Race Director for the early part of the race as Richie had something on that day. em_2015Working the night before meant into bed @ 2 AM for 3 hours of wake up its 2:30 now its 3:15. Finally woke at 5:15 quick coffee and of to the Bridge. While it may seem that Race Director would be a nightmare, it was not. Everyone was assigned their tasks and knew exactly what to do, leaving me to just make sure all the races got off on time and everyone finished safely. That is exactly what happened, everyone had a  good day when you consider what happened in Paris the previous Friday.