Monday, August 27, 2012

Its getting Better

Improvement but don't know why

I have normally judged my fitness level by heart beats per Km. This is a very rough guide as conditions such as whether, terrain and general well being can make HR readings fluctuate. However when taken over a period of time they can show signs of  improvement or over training. For the last year I have been stuck at a plateau. My general tempo/long runs where showing 825-850 BPK. My last 3 tempo runs @ 8 min pace have shown in the 760 to 780 BPK range while a 10 miler @ 9 min pace averaged 810 BPK
What can I put this down to

  • I have lost close to 7 lbs since early June
  • Physio clearing up my right Hamstring issue and me been able to keep it that way
  • Recent increase in mileage
It could be any of these or maybe all three but I'm not complaining.

Improvement does not translate into speed

Even with the above improvement in general aerobic fitness the legs still are not able to sustain much mileage at 10K or 5K pace. My last 2 * 2 mile repeats and 2 * 1 mile repeats @ 10K pace did not work out. Only got halfway through the second 2 miler when hammer started to complain, so I pulled the plug on the rest of the session. Saturday saw 24 * 200m @ 5K pace come close to completion by getting as far as rep 20 before the plug had to be pulled for the same reason. This does not go well for me having a crack at sub 45 minute 10K in September, but unless I can start to finish these sessions without hammer tweaking its not going to hold up for a race. Attempting to do so would be foolish.

Fixing the hammer

Physio had prescribed one legged squats and a particular lunge to improve strength in my right glute. One legged squat where causing issues with knee stability so had to be dropped, and single leg bridge raises and clams introduced instead. This will make the glute recovery slower thus will confine speed sessions to be of short duration for the time being. He is of the opinion that I will need orthotic support on my right leg, due to an ankle flexibility issue. This comes from a badly sprained ankle many moons ago but I will seek a second opinion on this before going down this route.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Kind of Blue

Kilmurry 10K

As I had missed a planned 5K time trial last week, I decided on Thursday evening after a quick chat with Leon that I would give this a bash. Plan was 5K between the three and eight kilometer marks. Got there about 6 and registration was quiet picked up my number and bumped into the fast postman who was registering ahead of me. He had won Saturday in Kilmihil (repeated the feat here as well) but said he was given a good race by Jake o Regan. Meet with some familiar faces from B.M.O.H who where on pacing duties for the day. Made my way to the start and set of with Paul Conway in the 55 Minute group. At 3K mark said my goodbyes and set off. Plan was to run between 6:45 and 7:00 min miles (as the elevation profile suggested downhill) for the first 2K and just try and hold on after that. Yes their was downhills but there where uphills as well which I was not expecting. Through the first K in 4:15 and feeling every bit of it but  was 9:00 through 2K when the alarm bells went off. I had ran 2 mile intervals 10 days previous in similar conditions at a faster pace. Hit 3K and my average pace was just under 8 min miles. Could see the 50 min balloon ahead but just could not get to them. The last 2K I just want to forget, struggled and at the 7K mark threw in the towel and stopped to walk, just wasnt intreasted in pushing it anymore. After 200m of feeling sorry for myself some guy passed me so I picked up with him and we ran to the finish. We managed to pick up the pace for the finish but I didnt push it too hard as I didnt want to tweak the hamstring when nothing was on the line so I pulled back a small bit towards the end.
 I had stopped the watch at 8K for my 5K time and didn't even bother to look at it until afterwards. Disgusted when I saw 25:18 and the HR readings where well below what I have done for previous 5/10K races. It was a case of me wimping out when the going got tough.  
The usual spread of Sandwiches and cake and all sorts afterwards helped to console my bruised ego. Overall its a well orgainised race on a tough  but run-able course. Its a pity the numbers were small but I will return again next year and try to redeem myself.

Normal Service Resumed

After Friday nights no show I ran a 4 mile tempo run @ 8 min mile pace on a hilly loop with 1 mile warm up and warm down this evening. Felt good and strong throughout. Kept pace up the hills and recovered on the downhill sections. If the planned 2 mile and 1 mile intervals on Thursday and a paced 10 mile run on Sunday go as well I will be very happy indeed, and will confine Friday Night to a one off event that I don't want to repeat.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Needles and Pins

Here we go again

Last year I was plagued by a tight hamstring/glutes on my right side. Go to my PT good rub okay for 4-6 weeks rinse and repeat, until it advanced to a point that I needed injections in the hip. So once I got a little twinge in the same area of the Hamstring after a recent 10K paced mile intervals I decided it was time for a physio to have a look at me on my next step back week. Deciding on what physio to use can be a nightmare but I eventually plumbed for Leon of physiozone, if he can keep Keith White on the road then he must be doing something right.

First Visit

After standing on one leg and doing various squats and giving my history it was time for the exam on the couch. "Have you ever had the needles", never had it done so no was my answer No. Anyway fifteen minutes on my hamstring and another fifteen on glute, I now had a new pain experience. For those who never had it done the needles don't hurt much but when the muscle goes into spasm you'll know about. In saying that it does what it says on the tin, after two days of rest and stretching I had close to full range of motion on both muscles.

Second Visit

Had a follow visit to get adductor/hip flexors loosed out. Now I have gone through pain in marathons and the needle session three days before but the work required to relax this area nearly had me in tears. Manned up and got through but afterwards I was really sore. Upshot of all this is that my right glutes are not triggering correctly, combine this with tight hip flexors my hammer is doing all the work. Corrective exercises have been prescribed and keep running to light workouts with follow up next week.

Friday, August 3, 2012

On the road again

Goal Setting

So while on holidays in the Algarve, I set a new goal well it's really an old one, get a Boston Marathon Qualifying Time. For my age group that has now become 3:24:59 a good 20 minutes inside my best. To  get anywhere near this a few things will have to fall into place.

  1. Get back running 40 to 50 mpw injury free
  2. Loss about 14lbs (current weight 176lbs)
  3. Get my 5K and 10K times to (20:30 and 43:30)
  4. Get my LT threshold to between 170-175 bpm

If I get 1 and 2 sorted by the end of the year I will be very happy and the rest should start to fall into place in the early part of 2013.

Plan of Action

Having had a lot of time recently to ponder, just because there are seven days in a week does not mean that the training cycle is seven days long. I read some interesting articles on this very topic in the sunshine of Portugal, I have come to the conclusion when one considers age and recent spate of injuries, my body just cant handle three quality session in a seven day period. Plan going forward will be three quality sessions over a ten day cycle.
Format will be something like this Long-Recovery-XT-Tempo-Recovery-XT-Interval-Recovery-XT-Rest. Each phase will have three such cycles and then a week down of easy runs and physio if required. Mileage will begin at approx 25 mpw and go to 35mpw, with gradual increase in training paces until they reach my current PB levels. If at any point I feel a niggle a recovery week will be dropped in with physio or whatever is required to clear the symptoms.

And were off

So I set about the desired training plan in the last week in June on my return from Portugal. Aiming for a bash at a sub 45Min 10K in September/October. All went well for the first 3 cycles (30 days). Have got my paces up to PB level for 5/10K and my aerobic levels are very similar to that of last year. Weight has probably helped here as I dropped 4lbs (172lbs) since starting training, which is now at its lowest since Athens in Nov 2010.
The last week in July was step back week and with some tightness in my hamstrings and glutes, I went for my first session with physio expecting a quick rub and to be on my way again (more to follow on this). Short version I needed more work then I thought which means no hard sessions for 10 days. As a result I will miss a planned 10K in race Kilmihil  this Saturday where I was hoping to race 5K between the 3K mark and the 8K mark to get an idea my 5K race pace. There is a 5K/10K Kilmurry on next Friday week but I am working on the same evening so it may be tight on time. I will decide on that later next week. I am down to pace the two hour band for the Dingle Half Marathon in a months time so Phase 2 will concentrate more on Tempo and Longer runs and upping of the mileage to 30 mpw while staying free from injury. All going well I am looking forward to been at the start line for this.