Monday, July 21, 2014

Alternating Tempo Run

For us that hate Marathon Paced Runs

A lot of Marathon training schedules call for a certain amount of Marathon Paced runs. These are generally no longer then just over half distance and can be quite tough sessions to complete. Mainly because they are often done in the middle of a Marathon training program on very tired legs. While this type of run will test the runner mentally on tired legs, it is too short to have any benefit on the lactate clearance system. If the Marathon pace is correct your Heart Rate should not be hitting levels that start generating increased Lactate that we would experience in the last 6 miles of a Marathon. We incorporate shorter/faster tempo runs to achieve this. One way I have found to get the Heart Rate up to these levels while running at marathon pace is to run an alternating tempo with 1/3 at 10K pace and then drop back to marathon pace. Repeating this without taking any rest. Normally I do this on a track 400 @ 10K followed by 800 @ Marathon pace. Anything between 10 and 13 reps is a pretty tough workout. Below is one such workout I did 12 weeks out from Seville. Just to give an idea of where my Heart Rate was against pace at the time, I ran a 12 Mile Marathon pace (7:35) the following week with an average HR of 158.
Rep 400 Pace 800 Pace 400 HR 800 HR
1 01:41.6 06:48.8 03:42.9 07:28.4 146 155
2 01:41.6 06:48.8 03:44.5 07:31.6 160 161
3 01:43.9 06:58.0 03:45.4 07:33.4 161 162
4 01:44.9 07:02.0 03:47.2 07:37.1 162 164
5 01:44.5 07:00.4 03:48.5 07:39.7 164 163
6 01:43.6 06:56.8 03:49.4 07:41.5 164 162
7 01:45.0 07:02.5 03:47.5 07:37.7 165 165
8 01:45.3 07:03.7 03:48.0 07:38.7 166 165
9 01:45.9 07:06.1 03:48.5 07:39.7 167 167
10 01:44.0 06:58.4 03:47.5 07:37.7 169 168
11 01:44.8 07:01.6 03:48.0 07:38.7 170 168
12 01:44.8 07:01.6 03:50.3 07:43.3 171 168
From my notes rep’s 8-12 it was very difficult to maintain the Marathon Pace for the first lap after the 10K burst but I was always recovered enough after the second lap to be able to pick it up again for the fast 400. This is quite a tough workout and is not meant to replace Marathon paced runs but rather to enhance them.

Monday, July 14, 2014

No I am not dead

Okay been a bit lazy recently. Busy at work and recent holidays meant I have ignored posting on the blog. Below is just a brief recollection of the last months activities. I will try to keep it short.

Racing from the front

winner10KDue to a few dropouts in key positions for the club 10K i ended up not pacing the race but instead was handed the responsibility of do the clicker( recording peoples time as they crossed the line). This meant travel in the lead car to record the 1K splits. Having a birds eye view of the front of the race and seeing Sergio, Sean Hehir and Jake O’ Regan go through t he first 3K in just under 9 Minutes brought home to me the difference between running and jogging (what us plodders think is running). Sergio went on to retain his crown and the race went off without and major instances. Joined the others and all our 5K group later for a few sociable’s afterwards.

Finding the Love

After the club race and some recent performances I decided to take a week off running. Seen as I have close to 1000 miles ran in the first 5 months of the Dsci0113year it was probably due.What happens next is my lower back decides to not play ball and tights up as tight as a ducks arse. So after my week off I now cant run, cant even get to sleep with it either so another enforced break is on the cards until its resolved. This brought me to my biannual trip to the Algarve with the family. Well its amazing what a few days of hot sun, cold sea water and even colder beer can do for the body. Within 2-3 days my Back was back to normal so I hit out for an early morning run around the Alvor/Piara Da Rochadoughnut area. Ended up passing the 1000 mile mark while getting lost trying to take a shortcut through Alto Golf’s first 9 holes. The beauty of these runs is I finish them on the beach, walk into the sea for 10 minutes and round it off when I hear the sound of the The Bolinas man calling me with his fresh Bolinas ( warm custard filled doughnut) for breakfast. Its runs like this that will make you find the love for running again.


Return to the madness

Come back from Holidays and it is as usual straight back to the grind. The first task as always is to find out what damage has been done over the previous 2 weeks. So step on the scales, quickly step off as I think they are broken and step on again. They never are broken and the quality of a Holiday is directly proportional to the shock you get when you read the numbers. Even with getting in close on 60 miles and not really hitting the gargle too heavy I still managed to shove 7 more pounds onto my frame. Maybe my breakfast choice after my runs is to blame. Time to return to my target of getting to 50 Marathons before I hit my 50th ballina_finishbirthday plus burning off a couple of thousand calories will help also. Hit for the inaugural running of a Marathon by Ballina AC. Its ran in and around the Beeleek woods so the course was going to be at least interesting. Setup was as expected by any Club run race, right distance, fair course, plenty of water, goodies and banter with a good spread of food afterwards and plenty of it. Ran most of the race with Ann and Matthew from Ballina with the exception of my usual pit stop at the end of the first lap. Day flew and I really enjoyed the race. Ann is looking for 3:45 for Boston in Longford and I have no doubt she will hit it as we ran the last loop (5 miles) at that pace quite comfortable. Finished together (no we didn't hold hands) in 3:53:43.