Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Becoming a runner Part II

Write off 2011

After a very enjoyable experience in Athens I and her good self returned to Ireland in great spirits. I was already planning my assault on Boston for 2012 which herself thought would be great as some old school friends of hers live there.
Well so much for planning, Life (I really should know this by now) has a nasty habit letting you know it’s not easy just when you think it could not get better. We had both forgot about the routine mama-gram herself had done before we went to Athens, well on a Thursday in November life decided to throw us a curve ball and herself now had breast cancer. Surgeon is not one to mince her words and outlined that the next step was a full mastectomy. Neither of us knowing what end of us was up at this stage where brought into a quiet room where an very nice nurse basically told us whatever you have planned for 2011 write it off. With hindsight I really should have listened to this advice.

Doing to much

So I upped my mileage in an effort to get my marathon time down to the required Boston Qualifier Time. For the first 4 months everything was going as well as expected but the added stress in my personal life with the increase in mileage was going to catch up with me. From May on after setting personal bests for 10K and 10 Miles the niggles (overuse injuries) started to happen. Glutes, back and hamstrings all at different times left me missing training days. So much so that I missed both of my planned attempts at sub 3:30 in Portuma and Longford. In between I ran day 2 of the 5 in 5 in Sixmilebridge as a training/test run to see where I was at. Set a PB but the plan of 20 miles @ 3:30 pace did not materialise. It was after this that I knew I was not in 3:30 shape and was not going to get there under the current circumstances. I concentrated in keeping my long slow runs in the legs with no fast stuff. Paced 5 hour in Dublin great day felt great. Ran 3rd Marathon of the year, mile loops of the bridge. Took the rest of the year off and at the turn of the year felt good again.

Happy New Year

Well was I glad to see the back of 2011. Looking forward herself was finished treatment had got the all clear and on the mend. So was I or so it appeared. After 2 weeks into the New Year and on very little mileage (15 miles a week) I could barely drive with the pain in the butt/lower back, so I bite the bullet and decided go see the doc first. Full blood work revealed Vitamin D was on the floor. Refereed for on lumbar spine MRI came back clear but some signs early wear and tear. She referred me to Rheumatologist just to rule out any arthritic issues. Thought that this would be a wasted trip but turned out to be quiet the reverse, he identified I had swollen Bursitis in the hip, which duly got a steroid injection. Had another MRI done on my SI joints and hips which came back all clear as well. Returned 2 weeks later for review Bursitis still tender so another injection and 3 weeks more off running.

Glad to be back running

This brought me to mid march. I was down to pace Limerick half marathon as part of the 2 hour pace band and with little or no running done since previous November it did not look likely. Decided if I could not run a pain free sub 50 in the Packie Ryan Memorial 10K a week later, there was no way I could pace a 2 hour Half Marathon in Limerick 6 weeks after that. Ran it comfortably in 48:30 and completely free of pain so Limerick in May was my next goal. Upped the mileage to about 25 miles per week, no side effects paced Limerick half marathon and 55 minute band for the Bridge Milers 10K 2 weeks later.

Acute Injuries heal quicker

Words of my physio after I stupidly twisted my knee acting the goose with my nieces. X-Rays showed only damage inflicted was on my ego and another 4-6 weeks off running. Not too bad as 2 of those where going to be on the long awaited trip to Portugal. Also the rest would do my tight Hamstrings and Glutes no harm at all.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

SQL Express 2008 on Server Core 2008 R2

So I installed Server Core on a site which I felt at the time would not need a full blown GUI as their only requirement was some security and file sharing. Well as usual the goalposts move and they now want to run an app that requires SQL backend. Suppiler who I have dealt with before tends to use SQL Express where possible. So rather the reinstall the server from scratch I investigate can I get it on Server Core. Answer yes I did but It is not supported by Microsoft so caution is advised if its on a production server.


The following features need to be enabled
  • NetFx2-ServerCore
  • NetFx3-ServerCore
  • ServerCore-WOW64
  • NetFx2-ServerCore-WOW64
  • NetFx3-Server-Core-WOW64
  • MicrosoftWindowsPowerShell
Use dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:<feature1> /featurename:<feature2> etc  to install all of the above.


Download SqlSeverExpress-2008-x64 and save to temporary location. Use 7-Zip Portable to extract files to a folder of your choice.
Run setup with the following parameters (on seperate lines for clarity but of course will be on a single line separeted by spaces)
This will take 5 to 10 minutes to load. If any errors are encountered have a look in the summary.txt file located in %ProgramFiles% \Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Log folder.

Enable Remote Access

To enable remote connections, use SQLCMD.exe locally and execute the following statements against the Server Core instance
1>EXEC sys.sp_configure N'remote access', N'1'
sqlcmd is located %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn folder.

Firewall Configuration

Open a netsh propt in the folloing context
netsh advfirewall firewall
>set rule group="remote administration" new enable=yes
>add rule name=SQLTCPPort dir=in protocol=tcp action=allow localport=1433 remoteip=localsubnet 
>add rule name=SQLNPPort dir=in protocol=udp action=allow localport=1434 remoteip=localsubnet

Enable TCP/IP

By default TCP/IP is not enabled. You can use TCPENABLED=1 in the setup to enable it but it defaults to using Dynamic Ports. I prefer to assign ports for easier firewall configuration. Open regedit and Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetlib\tcp
set Enabled (DWORD) to 1

Enable TCP on all interfaces

open IPALL SubKey
clear TcpDynamicPorts (string)
set TcpPort (string)to 1433 or port of your choice

Enable TCP on Selected Interfaces

SubKeys IP1 to IP9 will contain settings for each interface. change the following in each subkey that you wish to have enabled
set Enabled (DWORD) to 1
clear TcpDynamicPorts (string)
set TcpPort (string)to 1433 or port of your choice

Enable Named Pipes

This is not enabled by default. Open Regedit and navigate to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetlib\np
set Enabled (DWORD) to 1


Restart the SQL Server
If you still have remote connection problems your client or application may not be getting the correct port/instance name. Enable and start the SQLBrowser service
sc config SQLBrowser start= auto (space between = and auto)
sc start SQLBrowser

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Becoming a runner

In early 2007 after a serious talk with my doctor where I had little to add to the conversation other then the odd nod or grunt in agreement my weight and blood pressure was fast becoming a serious health issue and I had to do something about it rather quickly. I like everyone else decided to take up this running lark.
Now in my heyday I played plenty of sports but the one area I really detested was the necessity to run laps of a field every time we trained, suffice to say that my first attempt at this running lark ended pretty quickly and sorely.
Clare People 10K 2008
At the end of that summer my weight had gone up more, and I did not fancy the battle that lay ahead of me. One night while trying to get some info on the film named Cool Running's for my kids I stumbled across a website by the same name. A little bit of digging and I found the now famous Couch to 5k running plan.
The runner within me had finally been unearthed and over the next 2 years got up to running in local 5K's and 10K's.
In the spring of 2009 I ran my first half Marathon, The Burren Challenge and boy was it just that a Challenge. In very wet conditions running up the side of 2 mountains was a new experience to me. Found this promo years later which shows the conditions on the day, I featured @ 1:50 and no doubt the cameraman remembers me plough through him. After completing it I knew that I could finish a marathon so entered for Dublin the following October.

Like most people with no formal training I found a plan in the internet and followed it. However I made the mistake of running all my runs as fast as I could.  My father passed away 3 weeks before the start and as he lived in England it was the Saturday before Dublin when we finally laid his ashes to rest in Ireland. This meant I had no running done in 3 weeks (which in hindsight was a good thing). On the day I decided to forget my 4 hour target and take it easy and enjoy it. Felt brilliant throughout that coming up Merrion Road 3 quick miles would get me under 4. Head down great support on the way home I dipped under 4 Hours and was trilled.
Same training plan for Belfast 2010, same strategy run ever run as fast as I can. Training went well (or so I thought) looking at sub 3:45. Well the wheels came off big time. Horrible experience, trashed my quads trying to make up time on the decent from the zoo, and was in bits @ 19 miles. Struggled from there on. A relay runner got me going again @ mile 24 and sub 4 was possible. Rounded the bend into the finish, watch @ 3:59:xx, started to what felt like a sprint finish but I have no doubt it did not resemble anything of the sort. Crossed the finish line my watch @ 4:00:36. Soul destroyed I limped/hobbled to the finish area in need of a good rubdown.
In February of that year I had entered the 2500 anniversary run of the original Marathon in Athens. After my experience in  Belfast I did not want to suffer like that ever again. Discovered ATR forum on boards.ie and had found the Novice Marathon thread, where I learnt that you don't need to run every run flat out. Got a HRM watch in Aldi and transformed my training. My Athens experience was on the other end of the spectrum to Belfast. A detailed race report can be found here.