Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Oh look another race

Post Craughwell I had stated to Jude Hickey “If you see me with a balloon in Dingle next Saturday give me a kick”. I had planned to reset the only old PB left Half Marathon on Saturday in Doonbeg. Sure enough I got the pacer call but declined, I don't think my legs would hold up to another Marathon. Hell they probably wont be great in the race either but sure it is only a half.


Did nothing all week, as my legs where in absolute bits after Craughwell. Got out for an easy run on Thursday night legs dead heavy but improved after the first 2 Miles. Morning of the race weather conditions where going to be close to ideal well they say 16°C is ideal but not for us fair weather paddies. Got to Doonbeg early and did the warm-up, first Mile legs where heavy but they seemed to improve for the second mile. I was still in two minds at what time/pace I should aim for. If I was fully rested and had this as a goal target I would probably be around 93 minute mark but I knew the auld legs would not survive that pace today. Decided to try and go out and aim for 95 minutes.


There was a good crowd at the start for this with plenty of walkers up the front. However the road is plenty wide and I wasn't delayed at all. In saying that I clocked a sub 7 minute mile so pulled back a bit. Again as in the previous race my mouth was dry but luckily there was a water station at the 2 mile mark. Water was in plastic cups, doesn't bother me, got a good mouthful and even had some spare to throw over my head. Even though it was in cups and the day was quite warm I never felt the need to take it at every station. In total there was 7-8 water stations. Once we hit 3 miles you turn into the slight breeze and a gradual slope for the Mile. Everything was going well until 4 when there was a sharp descent followed by another sharp up and down. The combination of these two descents was the last straw for my quads and I had to drop the pace back slightly thereafter. Still passed 10K mark in 45 so target was still on. From here to 11 was a real struggle, legs just had no zip in them, which I was half expecting to be honest and if I had half a brain I would have taken the opportunity to stroll around Dingle for the day. Effort wise I was comfortable but I had no wheels under me today. From 11 onwards I pushed to try and catch two runners ahead. Just before 12 I was 20 seconds behind when they stopped to take on water. I knew I would be alright to not take on water so I just zipped by them and kept the head down and kicked on. One guy kept with me, and at one stage drew alongside with half a mile to go. I pressed on again all the way to the finish and kept him behind crossed the line in 1:35:56 some what disappointed.

The usual feed of nice stuff and a chat with Seanie Whelan afterwards on running. I hit home early as I had some DIY to attend to that had been neglected in the recent weeks. Turned out that final mile I promoted myself from 4th to 2nd in the M40 Category, this made up for my initial disappointment of not getting under 95 minutes. A first podium finish for me happy days.

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