Friday, June 5, 2015

Single Digits

Races that are in the single digit range ie 5K 4 miles and 5 miles are my focus for the next month or so. I have some very soft and even non existent PBs at these distances. There is a reason for this, I don't race enough of them. There is also a very good reason why I don't, they are damn hard as I discovered again tonight.

Dooneen 4 Miler

So Race 1 was always going to guarantee a PB as I haven't ran one in over two years. Made my way to Mungret this evening a bit apprehensive as a gale had been blowing all day and the direction was going to mean the last mile was into my face. On arrival I registered pretty quickly and set about an out and back on the last mile of the course. The wind/gale had died down somewhat from earlier but there still was a nice breeze on the run back also a drag for the last quarter of a mile which gets steeper until 100 yards before we turn into the finish. Made my way to the start and just had time to say hello to Joe before we where off. Set my watch off on the gun, shortly afterwards while checking it I nearly tripped a female in front of me so I abandoned getting the watch to the correct screen until it thinned out a bit. Was a little congested to start with but it spread out quickly. I was surprised to see Joe pass me as I had expected him to be further up at the start. Coming up to the One mile I glanced at the watch and read 31 something, takes a few seconds to realise that makes no sense. Looked again I had paused the watch after starting. Hit the continue and just concentrated on running. Probably a good thing split the watch at the first mile. Second mile spilt was 6:20, Was going well but it was getting tough. Third mile is net downhill and wind assisted so I was disappointed to see 6:30 on mile 3, briefly picked up the pace again but pretty soon it was unsustainable as we where back into the breeze. A runner ahead provided some shelter but he was going backwards, I took a little bit of a break here before I got the finger out and pressed on. Got going again but breathing was full on and I just concentrated on holding good form and leg turnover. Hit the hill and it all fell asunder and I probably looked like a rag doll, certainly felt that way, rounded the corner and thought the clock was 26:25 which was outside what I was hoping for (25:45) however my eyesight improved as I got closer to see it was in fact 25:xx, put down the hammer to get under 25:45 but too little too late passed (fell) under the clock which to best of my recollection was 25:47 in a heap.


Did one mile cool down with Joe on the pitch afterwards. We pretty much both concluded that marathon running is never as hard as this eyeballs out short stuff. The usual cup of tea and all things sweet afterwards. Very happy with the outcome as 25:45 is 20 min 5K pace. In saying that I still have to go out and run it. I really think that tonight I eased up in places so a small bit of HTFU may see a bigger improvement on this. I think to get a good time in this type of race you go out hard, when it gets hard go harder, much easier said then done

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