One more session had to be done before l entered the dreaded taper madness but I have decided to can it. Too be quite honest I am looking forward to it, while my training his been very good the increased mileage has left my legs feeling very heavy. So rather then race my last 10K I opted to run it easy and dropped the day after 17 mile run to a another 5 mile recovery run. I am contemplating running just 5-6 miles easy runs between now and Monday fortnight. The final session will be 7 Miles with 3 at marathon pace the day before I fly out and that's pretty much as much as I will do. Between now and then I am just going to let the legs recover. The plan when I started this was to maybe get close to 3:10 seemed possible but my last two races put me in the 3:15 ballpark. However the current state of my legs would not get me near that or even a PB, so whatever minute aerobic fitness I may loose by only doing recovery runs between now and race day will be negated by having fresh legs under me on the morning of the 20th.
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