Monday, August 27, 2012

Its getting Better

Improvement but don't know why

I have normally judged my fitness level by heart beats per Km. This is a very rough guide as conditions such as whether, terrain and general well being can make HR readings fluctuate. However when taken over a period of time they can show signs of  improvement or over training. For the last year I have been stuck at a plateau. My general tempo/long runs where showing 825-850 BPK. My last 3 tempo runs @ 8 min pace have shown in the 760 to 780 BPK range while a 10 miler @ 9 min pace averaged 810 BPK
What can I put this down to

  • I have lost close to 7 lbs since early June
  • Physio clearing up my right Hamstring issue and me been able to keep it that way
  • Recent increase in mileage
It could be any of these or maybe all three but I'm not complaining.

Improvement does not translate into speed

Even with the above improvement in general aerobic fitness the legs still are not able to sustain much mileage at 10K or 5K pace. My last 2 * 2 mile repeats and 2 * 1 mile repeats @ 10K pace did not work out. Only got halfway through the second 2 miler when hammer started to complain, so I pulled the plug on the rest of the session. Saturday saw 24 * 200m @ 5K pace come close to completion by getting as far as rep 20 before the plug had to be pulled for the same reason. This does not go well for me having a crack at sub 45 minute 10K in September, but unless I can start to finish these sessions without hammer tweaking its not going to hold up for a race. Attempting to do so would be foolish.

Fixing the hammer

Physio had prescribed one legged squats and a particular lunge to improve strength in my right glute. One legged squat where causing issues with knee stability so had to be dropped, and single leg bridge raises and clams introduced instead. This will make the glute recovery slower thus will confine speed sessions to be of short duration for the time being. He is of the opinion that I will need orthotic support on my right leg, due to an ankle flexibility issue. This comes from a badly sprained ankle many moons ago but I will seek a second opinion on this before going down this route.

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